A credit system is a systematic way of describing an educational program by attaching credits to its components. The definition of credits in higher education systems may be based on different parameters, such as student workload, learning outcomes and contact hours.
A course credit (or just credit or "unit") is a basic measure of student workload. In other words, it is a standard method adopted by SGU like many other institutes for specifying the number of hours of learning effort that a student is expected to put in while completing a course. In contemporary education delivery models, this learning effort can be across multiple modes of learning, such as Lectures, Lab Work, Assignments, Self-study, E-learning, etc. Norms for relative weightages across these learning modes have also evolved.
The credit system allows an institute to specify programs and individual courses in terms of their required Credit load. This in turn gives a clear picture of the learning effort that a student will have to put into each course as well as the overall program. In general calendar time is not used to define a program though there would be a typical duration based on a standard load that students are expected to take.
The Program requirements are met not just because the calendar time has elapsed, but because the student has actually completed the required number and type of courses and thereby, accumulated the required number of credits to graduate. A credit based academic architecture makes it easy for a program to be updated and remain current.
There are many advantages of Credit Based Education System such as Accepted system at Universities all over the world, Quantifies academic work done by student, Transfer of credits from one University to other, Accepted by industry while giving jobs to students. SGU is adopting this Credit based evolution system and later it will be converted to Choose Based Credit System.